
Bugs and Lola: Part Nine

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Bugs and Lola: Part Nine


Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons belong to WB and Amblin, Doctor Who to the BBC.

This takes place during and after TTA Chaos in Time and Space part six, you need to read that before this to fully understand this chapter.

"What do you mean we're going to Gallifrey Doctor, Bugs is down there!" Buster said in an angry voice as Babs placed a restraing hand on his shoulder along with Plucky and Calamity.
"I'm well aware of that Buster, but so are torture tanks and those things have been outlawed for millenia. That makes this a job for the Chancellory Guard." He looked up at Buster from the Tardis console, "Bugs is my friend as well I don't to see him hurt anymore than any of you do," he said as the time rotor began to rise and fall.

"Welcome Doctor" Castallan Spandrell said as The Doctor stepped out of his Tardis followed by the Toons. They looked around in suprise, far from the high tech or spartan place they were expecting they were in a large room with white marble walls and onyx floors and lush green plants in red containers at regular intervals along the walls.
"Castallan," The Doctor said as they shook hands, "Your men are ready?"
"Indeed, if you will come with me we shall depart immedately, Captain Yannick will see to your friends," Spandrell replied as one of the Chancellory Guards, his white cape swaying as he did so stepped forward and saluted.
As The Doctor and Spandrell walked away in one direction Yannick indicated with an outstretched arm for the others to follow him in the opposite direction, "If you would come with me I have some questions I need to ask you all then my men shall take you to a place of rest," he said in for some reason an upper class British accent.
They followed him to an immense room where the white walls were replaced by black marble walls inlaid with golden pillars. White leather couchs lined one wall and the Captain indicated for them to sit as another guard also in red and white armour, white cape and red helmet handed him a thin piece of plastic. Yannick looked at it for a moment before speaking, "Babs Bunny would you come with me please," he said leading her away to what she presummed was his actual office.

"Refreshments will be provided momentarly," Captain Yannick said as the Toons looked around what appeared to be a cross between a library and an art gallery. White leather seats were dotted around the room as were various plants in red pots while sculptures and other art was both free standing and on dark wooden plinths.
Lola began looking at some of the paintings that were hung along the walls as well as the occasional tapestry. They must depicte famous Timelords and scenes from Gallifrey's history she thought as she noticed there was a discreet plaque either next to or below them.
Shirley sat cross legged on a sofa meditating as she listened to the light fluting music playing from an unknown source and the sound of gently running water from an artifical waterfall that appeared to go to another level below them. It was a serene and calm atmosphere she thought almost exactly how the science fiction shows invariably depicted highly advanced races given over to the study of science and art.
"Do you zink zhaire iz a reason le Doctor dresses like ze cross between a cowboy et Msieur Darcy when everyone else here wears robes and capes?" Fifi asked Babs as they wandered around several sculptures.
"He doesn't look good in a cape?"
"I think they're going to have to force those two to leave," Buster said to Plucky and Junior as he pointed at Calamity and Wile E who were deep in conversation about the science and technology they had seen.
Some of them turned as they heard several people approaching to see several Timelords in black and white robes and capes come in to the room with trays of fruit and sandwiches or jugs and glasses and laying them on several tables before bowing and leaving.
"Doess anyone elsse feel as if they should be making a donation to ssome charity or something?" Sylvester said as he poured a drink, tasted it and gave it Junior as they all helped themselves to the food and drink.
"Actually I feel as if I'm at some function and am wayyy underdressed," Buster said as he accepted a drink from Babs.
As she finished a sandwich Lola's ears twitched as she heard footsteps approaching, they were too light to be any of the guards or other Timelords they had met so far. She turned towards the entrance a hopeful expression on her face. She squealed in delight causing the others to look her way as she wrapped her arms around Bugs as he entered.
"You can't have been missing me that much Lo if you're having a party without me," he teased as he held her close while she plastered his face with kisses.
"Well can you blame her Bugs," The Doctor said a smile on his face as he joined them. "We Timelords really know how to party. Swackhammers trial should be starting soon, once that's over I'll take you home."

"If everyone who has an interest in this trial is present the prosecution may begin," President Flavia, a slight woman of mid height with a somewhat matriachial face and curly rust coloured hair in her white robes of office and the golden Sash of Rassilon said.
"Thank you madam President. The accussed, one Mr Swackhammer of the galactic theme park Moron Mountain is charged with numerous counts of kidnapping, enslavement, attempted torture and the use of prohibitted technology. How do you plead?"
"Not guilty, and what gives you the right to sit in judgement of me? You have no jurisdiction over me or the planet Earth and its peoples."
"Earth is under our protection until it is able to defend itself. As are all such planets and people. The Timelords have gone to war for the universe many times. That gives us the right to stand in judgement of the likes of you because of the treaties signed in the aftermath of those wars," Flavia answered in a harsh voice causing Swackhammer to pale a little.
"We have testimony from those abducted, your guards and The Doctor. The evidence against you is damning in the extreme. You own actions were revealed to us when used the mind probe on you on your arrival. You have been given every chance to cooperate and refused them. I now submit as evidence the results of that session," the prosecuter said as a screen came to life and showed what the mind probe had revealed.
"Your verdict?" he asked the jury.
"Madam President the sentence must be passed by you," the prosecuter said.
She gave a cold look to Swackhammer. "Before I pass sentance do you have anything to say for yourself?"
"Very well then, I sentance you to life on the prison planet of Shada Six. Sentance to be carried out immediately, take him away" she said as several members of the Chancellory Guard marched forward and led Swackhammer away.

"Here we are Acme Acres" The Doctor said as the noise of the Tardis materialising faded away to nothingness and he activated the door control. "Buster if you like I could take you and Plucky to work so you don't get in trouble with your boss" he offered as the blue bunny passed him.
"Thanks but no thanks Doctor" Buster replied as he then Plucky shook hands with him. "We'll just get a cab."
"And hope no one robbed the place when we all dissappeared," Plucky said as they exited the Tardis followed by everyone else once they had all shook hands with The Doctor until Bugs and Lola were left.
"Well goodbye Doc," Bugs said as he shook hands "If your this way on New Years Eve come to da Looniversity. Lola and I have a soirayy of our own planned for everyone then we'd love to have you wouldn't we Lo?"
"Oh yes. I'm sure you have way more embarassing stories about Bugs than his costars do. According to them he's a regular goody two shoes who looked out for every one."
The Doctor laughed as he kissed her hand, "Oh I'm sure I can tell you some stories about times Bugs would rather forget."
Bugs stopped as he and Lola stepped out of the Tardis, "Before you leave Doctor can you answer one question for me?"
"Technically that's two questions but go ahead."
"How come Lola wasn't timescooped like da rest of us were?"
"Because Lola was sill inside of her the Tardis was able to protect her. Some may say she's obsolete," The Doctor said as he patted the Tardis fondly, "And their wrong in so many ways aren't they old girl. Your the greatest vessel in the entire multiverse aren't you."
The aftermath of the final part of TTA chaos, read that before you read this to fully understand it.
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ResidentoToonTown's avatar
Doesn't the accuse have a chance to defend himself in a Time Lord court?